Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reliance Fresh Essay

Reliance Retail a convenient store format, is governed by the Mukesh ambani and is the most important part of Reliance Industries retail Business. It also comprises more than 2000 reliance stores(October 2014) all over the country. The outlet sells foods, groceries, apparel s and footwear. A distinctive Reliance Fresh outlet is around 3000 to 4000 sq. feet and accommodates catchment area of one to three Kilometers. Reliance retail is spread over 155 cities. History of Reliance Retail The Reliance Retail had to face various difficulties before the launch of Reliance fresh, because of the various circumstances prevailing in Orissa, West Bengal and UP, along with the news focusing on the dearth of vegetables and fruits stocks. The retail business of Reliance then minimized its exposure in vegetable and fruit business, as a result established Reliance fresh positioning a pure super market play focusing on various categories like IT, consumer durables, home, FMCG and food. The retail company of Reliance may not supply the vegetables and fruits in a few states, the Reliance Fresh decided to not to race with local wholesalers partly because of the incapability to maintain a healthy supply chain. The first ever a Reliance Fresh store was established in Hyderabad, wherein the company, mainly focused on the fresh produced vegetables and fruits at comparatively low price. Subsidiaries and Divisions: 1.Reliance Fresh: Retail outlets of fruits, vegetables &groceries. 2.Reliance Digital: Consumer electronics retail stores. 3.Reliance jewels: Jewellery 4.Reliance Timeout: Stores of books, music, movies 5.Reliance Market: Wholesale cash n carry Objectives:- To provide high quality products for the customers. To reduce spoilage through its supply chain & logistic networks. To enrich  customer’s shopping experience through customized offer & ‘value for money’ merchandise. To foster relationship with partners. To increase agribusiness in india and timely payments to farmers. To reduce gap between customer and manufacturer.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mimicking Insider Trading

Introduction Much of the field of finance Is focused on creating abnormal returns?that is to say. Returns that are different from what one might expect them to be based on various characteristics of the investment?by identifying so-called â€Å"inefficiencies† in the stock market. Perhaps one of the most well-known strategies for taking advantage of these Inefficiencies, a strategy widely discussed In academic as well as Industry literature, is following the trades of company insiders.In the united States, company insiders are required to report to the SEC any time they engage in a purchase or sale of their rim's stock. Within two business days following the date of the trade. This Information, once reported to the SEC, Is subsequently made available to the public almost immediately, allowing outsiders to see exactly how insiders are trading.When insiders trade based on material non-public information and earn abnormal returns, it is a violation of the strong form of the Effic ient Market Hypothesis, which itself is not backed by any significant emplace evidence, However, If outsiders are able to earn abnormal returns by mimicking Insider trades, this becomes a violation of the ideal-accepted semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which states that the price of a stock incorporates all publicly available information.The academic literature contains many studies which attempt to generate excess returns by replicating Insider trades, with varying degrees of success. While some early studies (Gaffe 1994, Finery 1996) claimed that outsiders were indeed able to create a small amount of excess returns, a later study by University of Michigan Professor H. Negate Shun concluded that once these trades accounted for transaction costs, the excess returns would be nearly zero. Later studies by Rezone and Zamia (1988).Line and Howe (1990) and Frederica, Gregory, Mahatma and Tones (2002) have also reaffirmed that transaction costs depleted all the excess returns from these studies. (1)On the other hand, several studies conclude that it is possible to earn excess returns by applying a â€Å"mimicking strategy' selectively. For example, Lakefronts and Lee (2001) conclude that if an investor mimics only large trades and only by the top management of a company (excluding board members, majority shareholders and other company employees), an outsider could in fact generate excess returns.Other theories suggest that It Is possible to successfully replicate Insiders trades by using the strategy in markets outside the US, such as in the Italian, German and Spanish markets. [l] A critical factor in determining whether an outsider will profit from replicating the trade of an insider is the motivation behind the trade. Insiders are likely to engage In Insider trades for a number of reasons, not all of them connected to Inside Information on future firm performance. An Inside trade that Is ambulated by liquidity or diversification needs is unli kely to contain any â€Å"predictive power and exult in any abnormal return for an outsider.While it's relatively obvious that the Insider's motivation In making an Inside trade Is a key factor in determining how successful the outsider's mimicking trades will be, existing academic literature has, for the most part, been unable to take advantage of this factor to increase returns on test portfolios. Were outsiders able to identify the motivation behind the insider's it might become possible to create a portfolio of performance-predicting trades, which would generate abnormal returns. In a 2007 paper entitled â€Å"Decoding Inside Information†, (Cohen et al.Harvard University and University of Toronto professors test an innovative and original approach to mimicking insider trades. By using a simple algorithm, the strategy attempts to separate insider traders into two categories: opportunistic traders and routine traders. Specifically, the algorithm involves analyzing the past three years of an insider's trading history, and identifying as routine traders those who had made inside trades in the same calendar month for three consecutive years. The remaining insiders, approximately, 45% of Cohen et al. ‘s sample, is identified as opportunistic traders.Insiders without three years of trading story are discarded from the sample entirely. Cohen et al. Test whether the trades made by these â€Å"opportunistic traders† contain any predictive power relating to firm performance, and how the trades of â€Å"routine traders† perform in comparison. Methodology In order to test the efficacy of this strategy, the authors construct four test portfolios at the end of month t, comprised of month it's: a) Opportunistic buys b) Opportunistic sells c) Routine buys d) Routine sells At the end of each month, the portfolios are rebalanced to reflect the routine and opportunistic inside trades and buys in that month.The objective of using these oratorios is to test whether or not there is any added value in separating routine traders from opportunistic traders, using the algorithm designed by the authors. In other words, the study tests whether following only those insiders identified by the algorithm as â€Å"opportunistic† could yield a positive alpha, and how this compares to the returns of the â€Å"routine trader† portfolios. As noted above, the SEC requires insiders to report transactions within two business days following the trade (prior to the enactment of Serbians-Solely in 2002, insiders had until the 10th day of the following month to report the trade).In the sample used by Cohen et al. , nearly all of the trades were reported on the day on which the insider made the trade. (2) As such, by the time the portfolios are rebalanced at the end of each month, information on these inside trades would have been publicly available knowledge. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the potential implications of this on the results of the strategy. Predictive Ability of Routine vs. Opportunistic Trades In order to determine whether the â€Å"opportunistic† traders, as defined by Cohen et al. s algorithm, actually contain any predictive power, the authors run pooled aggressions of returns on indicators of routine and opportunistic trades in the prior month, with future one-month returns as the dependent variable. The findings reveal that both the buy and sell opportunistic trades contained much greater predictive power than routine buys and sells. The results reveal that opportunistic buys yield average returns 0. 90 basis points (with a t-statistic of 4. 46), 76 basis points higher than that of routine buys. With a p-value of 0. %, the difference is significant. It is much better indicator than considering all insider buys. Testing opportunistic versus outing sells exhibits similar results, with a coefficient of -0. 78 in the regression of opportunistic sells, and 0. 04 in the regression of routine sells. The difference is again significant with a p-value of 0% (F=29. 30). See Table 1 in Appendix for full results. Alpha The authors test for the presence of abnormal returns using several different asset pricing models, including the CAMP and the Fame-French model, as well as others.While the tests use two different types of portfolios, one value-weighted and one equally weighted, the findings are similar and the results below will therefore focus only on the equally-weighted portfolio. In the case of opportunistic versus routine buys, the results indicate monthly CAMP alphas of 1. 51% (with a t-ratio of 5. 89 and p- value The results indicate that longing opportunistic buys, and shorting opportunistic sells could yield significant excess returns. An equally-weighted portfolio of opportunistic buys and sells yields a monthly CAMP alpha of 1. 81%, and a monthly Fame-French alpha of 1. 41%, with respective t-ratios of 5. 6 and 5. 04. Based on these results, it is evident that by separating routine and opportunistic trades from trades motivated by liquidity and diversification needs, and following only the former, outsiders may be able to significantly outperform the market. Distribution of Returns While the study by Cohen et al. Goes not provide much information on the characteristics of the distribution of returns on the various portfolios used in their study, looking at other sources which study insider trading strategies may provide some insight into this issue. This information is highly relevant to risk-averse investors, to whom the probability of losses may be as important as the expected return. In Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading, H. Negate Shun finds that the probability of loss (defined as earning lower returns than an investment in the market portfolio) on a single mimicking transaction is 49. %, excluding transaction costs, and 51 . 7% when transaction costs are taken into account. (3). When combined with the study findings o n average return, which falls in the 2-3% depending on the minor variations in the study various tests of the strategy, the approximate 50-50 arability of loss indicates a positive-skewed distribution. As such an investor must mimic a large number of insider trades in order to earn returns near the average of 2-3% in Shunt's findings. While the relatively high probability of losses may seem risk averse investors, as it indicates a smaller probability of extreme negative losses.Although there are substantial differences between Cohen et al. ‘s study and Shunt's study?likely the most important of which is that Shun does not differentiate between routine and opportunistic insiders as Cohen et al. Do?the results from Shunt's study may be an indication that the distribution of Cohen et al. ‘s results are positive-skewed as well. Indeed, it is likely that following only opportunistic traders would both reduce the probability of extreme negative losses, as well as increase the probability of extreme positive gains, thereby resulting in an even further positive- skewed distribution.In addition, the high probability of loss illustrated in Shunt's findings would likely also be reduced when following only opportunistic traders. Trading Costs and Refinancing Because this strategy involves relatively active trading, its costs (commission fees and id-ask spreads) will undoubtedly be higher than those of a buy and hold strategy. That said, when the strategy is applied selectively, as is the case in the Cohen et al. Study (I. E. By mimicking only opportunistic insiders rather than all insiders) trading costs can be significantly reduced.In Cohen et al. ‘s study, the test portfolios are rebalanced at the end of every month, based on that month's opportunistic insider trades. In both the opportunistic sell and opportunistic buy portfolios, outsiders would be able to profit by shorting and buying, respectively, holding for a month, and balancing at the end of e very month. Monthly refinancing requires immediacy, and the stocks would need to be purchased and sold using market orders. The outsider would thus incur the additional costs off larger bid-ask spread.Outsiders may potentially be able to rebalanced less frequently, submitting limit orders instead of market orders, holding on to the stocks for longer periods of time, and still profit. According to Shunt's findings,(4) in the case of an â€Å"insider buy', the profits are realized over the course of several months. (5) As such, the outsider may be able to educe refinancing to twice a year, and hold on to â€Å"insider buy' stocks for 6 months. In this case, the outsider could likely afford to submit a limit buy order and wait a few days before it executes.However, this does not apply in the case of an â€Å"insider sell†, as there is no evidence to indicate that these profits are realized over a period of many months. As such, monthly refinancing it necessary. Barriers to Imp lementation In reality, while the strategy would certainly not be difficult to follow for an institutional investor or a sophisticated individual investor, it would perhaps present mom challenges for the average investor. In Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading, Shun advises that an investor mimic close to 100 insiders, in order to reduce the probability of loss to an acceptable level. 6) Granted, applying this to a strategy which differentiates between opportunistic and routine traders would likely require an outsider to follow a smaller number of insiders in order to obtain a reasonably limited probability of loss. Another potential barrier for the average investor is differentiating between routine and opportunistic traders. While Cohen et al. Ere able to accomplish this, as would institutional and sophisticated investors, it resources to successfully differentiate between the two types of insiders.While these issues may not be particularly large obstacles, they do presen t additional considerations and challenges for the individual investor. Insider Trading and Serbians-Solely An interesting point to consider is the impact of changing SEC reporting regulations on an outsider's ability to profit from following insider trades. A Stanford University study (Zealand 2005)(6) tested the success of a generic â€Å"mimicking strategy' in the ears leading up to Serbians-Solely, versus the success of the strategy in the years following the enactment of the new legislation.The study found that in the first 27 months, it was possible to generate excess returns of up to 17. 67%, including trading costs. After this period, however, it was no longer possible to obtain these returns, likely because the market had fully adjusted to this new source of public information. Looking forward, it is possible that any further changes in SEC regulation make information more readily accessible with a smaller delay, will present investors with another opportunity to earn addi tional returns before the market is able to react.Strategy Comparison While Cohen et al. Are the first to attempt to generate excess returns by differentiating specifically between routine and opportunistic traders, a number of studies in the academic literature have sought to increase returns from following insider trading by applying the strategy in various other selective ways. Although the â€Å"routine vs.. Opportunistic† strategy appears to be the most successful thus far, several other versions of the strategy have also managed to create excess returns.A duty conducted in Sweden (Ayatollah and El-Marin, 2005) reveals that replicating insider trades of stocks listed on the A-List and Attract 40 (the Swedish stock indices reserved for larger companies with significant operating history) does not generate abnormal returns at a significant level. On the other hand, replicating buy transactions of â€Å"insider clusters† (multiple firm insiders making similar trades in the same time period) of firms trading on the O-list (designated for companies which lack the requisite operating history or size for listing on the more established lists) could generate abnormal returns up to 33. , excluding transaction costs. By selectively applying a mimicking strategy to smaller companies rather than larger ones, to buy transactions rather than sell transactions, and to insider clusters (numerous firm insiders making same-type trades in a given period of time) rather to individual investors,(7) an outsider may be able to generate excess returns. The study conducted by Shun, which examines 60,000 insider transactions on the NYSE from 1975-1981, reveals similar results. Over the course of 100 days, the buy transactions exhibited excess returns of 3%, while the sell transactions underperformed the racket by 1 . %. In other words, an outsider may have been able to profit by going long â€Å"inside buys†, but not by shorting â€Å"inside sells†. He also found that there has been a greater amount of uninformative sell transactions that have taken place in the ass, compared to the ass-ass(8), it could be that since sass, the amount and frequency of stock compensations has greatly and continuously increased,(9),thus it into routines and opportunistic you would be able to keep the informative transactions and be less affect by this tendency.Shunt's results also indicate that placating insider trades in smaller firms generated higher excess returns than insider trades in larger firms. (10) It may be easier to generate excess returns by replicating insider trades in smaller firms, because these insiders are typically subjected to less scrutiny by analysts and by the media than their counterparts in larger firms. As such, they may be more willing to engage in profitable, â€Å"performance- predicting† trades than insiders at larger firms. However, it's also possible that these trades generate higher expected returns simply bec ause they have increased risk.In order to compensate investors for this risk, investments in smaller firms can be expected to generate higher returns, as reflected in the Fame French model. Similar to the Swedish study, a study conducted by Jenny et al. (1999) (7) also found replicating insider cluster transactions to be more profitable than replicating individual insider transactions. The rationale behind this?that same-type transactions from multiple firm insiders within a given period is likely motivated by insider knowledge rather than by investor-specific needs–is fairly obvious. 11) Cohen at al. Observe similar results in Decoding Inside Information. The study findings indicate that a one- standard deviation increase in the log number of opportunistic sells translates into a decrease in future returns of 29 basis points per month (excluding the specific days each year when firm executives receive stock compensation and subsequently liquidate some of their stake in the f irm). (12) By differentiating between routine and opportunistic traders as Cohen et al. O, outsiders can avoid these routine sells, and mimic only informative inside clusters. Looking Forward Although Cohen et al. And others have illustrated various ways in which outsiders ay be able to generate excess returns by mimicking insider trades, several potential obstacles may stand in the way of this strategy in the future. As with any market inefficiency, increased popularity of the strategy as well as increased accessibility to information on insider trades may cause a decline in future returns.Today, there are already a multitude of web sites that allow outsiders to track insider trades, making information about such trades readily accessible to the average investor. As a growing number of outsiders attempt to replicate these trades, it is likely that it will come increasingly difficult for investors to mimic trades in time to capture any gains. Another potential threat to this strateg y is the proliferation of endowment assurances, which firm insiders use to take advantage of offshore solutions in order to hide their transactions. Insiders are therefore able to trade stocks and derivatives of companies â€Å"anonymously', and avoid reporting insider trades to regulators. This would obviously prohibit outsiders from gaining access to and mimicking insider trades. (13) Lastly, increased penalties for insider trading could also threaten the success of the strategy. Cohen et al. How that during periods with increased cases of investors being prosecuted for insider trading, the number of trades identified as â€Å"opportunistic† decrease. In other words, insiders take seriously the risk of being caught and charged.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Narrative Observation of a Child Essay

Mother enters the room with takeaway from KFC and places it on the dining table. Subhaan (3:5) is the first child to approach the table and sit down on the seat. While aunt takes out food from the carrier bags, she asks Subhaan, â€Å"Is that your plate?† Subhaan replies â€Å"Yeah† and right before the aunt is about to put the food on his plate he immediately says†No, is that mine?. Aunt replies, â€Å"Yes† and places his meal on the plate. Subhaan sat on his knees and started bouncing on them as he picked two french fries to eat. While the aunt is emptying the bags, Subhaan stands on his knees and peeks into the carrier bags then sits back down to eat his food. Aunt ignores him as she continues talking to Subhaan’s mother. Subhaan attempts to pull out a paper cup from the stack and then hold it in both his hands. Ayesha (5:0) asks Subhaan, â€Å"Do you want water?† to which Subhaan holds up his empty paper cup and replies, â€Å"No, this is mine†. He starts playing with his cup as he tries to hold it to his mouth and then placed it on his eye, pretending it was a telescope, Subhaan started scanning the room from side to side. Subhaan puts his empty cup down and grabs another bite. He then makes a cranky high pitched noise that grabbed his aunt’s attention who noticed he was pointing at his empty cup. The aunt poured the drink half full in the cup. He takes a sip and watches Ayesha eat her meal happily. Subhaan continues his meal bouncing while sitting on his knees and then swaying from side to side as he eats. Subhaan notices a sealed straw on the table, picks it and points it at his mother loudly saying, † Mama.. mama, please open†. During the period the mother and aunt are continuously involved in a table conversation. His mother takes the straw and starts unwrapping when Ayesha asks, â€Å"Mama, what does he need that for?†. Mother ignores Ayesha as she continues the conversation with the aunt. Subhaan starts chewing his food slowly and sits back in a lazy manner. He then sits up and starts reading the children’s meal box in front of him. He sits up on his knees again to be able to drink directly from the straw fixed in his cup to his mouth using just the index finger and thumb of his dominant hand (right-hand). He sits back down, shakes his head a few times then starts looking under the table. He sits back up and starts slapping the wall on his left. He pauses to look at everyone else at the table still busy with their conversation, then returns back to his meal box and peaks inside it. He pushes away the meal box and looks at his mother to see if she noticed. However the mother is still occupied socially with his aunt. Subhaan makes a random loud noise, â€Å"Tadaaaaaa!† which made his aunt notice him and puts his meal box infront of him again saying, â€Å"Subhaan, you haven’t finished†. Subhaan does not reply instead he sinks back in his chair. After a few seconds he sits back up and drinks directly from the straw without using his hands or fingers to touch the cup. Subhaan rotates on the chair turning his back towards the table and facing towards the tv lounge. Soon he starts to rock the chair slightly from side to side. He turns back around and get off his seat to approach his mother and say,† Mama, mama† Mother replied,† Yes, son?† Subhaan answered shyly, â€Å"Toilet† and ran off towards the door and takes a glance back to see if his mother is following him or not. Meanwhile everyone has finished their dinner and settle down in the tv lounge. Subhaan enters the room followed by his mother. He quickly runs up to the sofa to join Ayesha who is running up and down the two joined sofas while singing, â€Å"I like you- I like you- I love you-I like you†. Subhaan follows Ayesha jumping behind her while repeating what Ayesha is singing. Ayesha comes down from the sofa and starts dancing and singing on the floor. Subhaan stands on the sofa leaning slightly on the wall behind to watch what ayesha was doing next and then runs off to his mother sitting on the chair. Mother looks up at ayesha and says, † Ayesha take him up and change, I’m coming†. Subhaan walks towards the door and waits there for Ayesha but notices ayesha avoid her mothers orders, instead shows off a paper sailboat to her aunt. Aunt smiles and replies, â€Å"Thats nice! come on lets go upstairs now.† Subhaan watches as ayesha ends her play by bowing down t o the audience and says, † Thank you for listening to my song†. Subhaan grabs their attention by walking up to his aunt and saying, † I want something from upstairs, come†. He then open the door and runs off towards the stairs as his Aunt and Ayesha followed him. Subhaan stopped at the entrance of the room to look upto the light switch but Ayesha pushes him gently to push the button on herself. At the same moment he says, â€Å"Put the lights on† and when the light switches on he expresses by saying, â€Å"Ahhhh, yes†. He then walks towards the end of his bed while Ayesha invites their aunt in bowing down once again to say, † Happy†¦..umm happy gentlemen and, and ladies. Subhaan stands in the corner and looks at her carefully. At this time the observation came to its end at 8:25 pm. Evaluation: During the 25 minute observation Subhaan (3:6) showed almost continuous play activity demonstrating his physical development and fine motor skills like a typical child of his age. For the most part Subhaan was happy playing by himself showing both physical and imaginative skills in solitary play. According to Parten ‘Solitary Play’ (Hughes, 1991) is when a child plays by himself. Often in this form of play children develop play and activities generating from their imagination as children in the pre-operational stage have vast imagination that helps them revise, repeat or practise their knowledge and skills into a playful activity (Sheridan, 1997). As I observe Subhaan invest time and energy in play I can see him learn and develop concepts about movement, noises and skills. Most of the time Subhaan was involved in ‘Locomotor Play’, including exercise play (e.g bouncing, running, etc) (Hughes, 1991). His ability to be engaged in continous exercise play supports the muscular and motor development of children his age as they are able to move freely with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways ( L.Dryden et al, 2007).For example, Subhaan sits with his feet up on the seat and elevates himself by sitting on his knees and bouncing up and down and moving from side to side during his meal. â€Å"The rocking, bouncing, hanging upside-down, skipping and hopping with which young children often express their excitement and enthusiasm- stimulates the brain and has a role to play in its development† ( Elliot(1991) in L.Dryden, 2007). For children 2 to 4 years of age, Field (1994) reports physical activity play accounting for 10% of all day-care behaviour. Children his age also run skilfully and negotiate space successfully adjusting their speed or direction to avoid obstacles (L.Dryden et al, 2007). This was identified when in later part of the observation Subhaan followed his sister running up and down the sofa. He was seen carefully balancing himself and slowing down while negotiating space to pass by when he would face an intersection from his sister coming from the opposite direction in a narrow space to cross. At an another occasion I observed Subhaan’s the moving and handling skills similar to children his age when he jumps of the chair and land appropriately balanced on his two feet. Subhaan attempts to sit on the chair with his back towards the dining table folding his legs against the back of the chair. At this time he attempts to rock the chair and succeeds to balance the chair while sitting backwards. Once he has attempted and achieved the action two to three times,he no longer felt the need or urge to perform it again. Bateson’s (1976) view of such play is â€Å"scaffolding†: Play functions in skill assembly, and then is disassembled when the skill is mastered. This could also be relevant to the observation. In the initial part of the meal Subhaan used his right hand fingers to stabilise the straw so that he could put it in his mouth; however towards the end of the meal he manages to place the straw in his mouth and drink without using his hand and fingers to touch the cup or straw. Therefore the initial play helped Subhaan gain more control of his activity and action once its assembled. I also observed exercise play affect Subhaan’s cognitive performance as it lead to heightened arousal and hyper-activity as he experiments with different ways of moving. Without a break Subhaan was rocking, bouncing, looking under the table, peeking into the boxes. According to the â€Å"In-verted-U hypothesis (Easterbrook, 1959) moderate levels of arousal lead to better performance than highly increased arousals that may lead to narrowing of attention to the core tasks. In Subhaan’s case this can be eating and finishing his meal. However I observed that by breaking up cognitive tasks while exercise play, Subhaan found the specifically playfully nature of the break to be considered more important than the meal, table conversation or any other activity that was taking place around him. The effects on his cognitive behaviour mediated by breaks and enhanced attention seemed to depend on enhanced feelings of mastery, well-being, after exercise play. This was noticed when every time Subhaan would master a movement he would return to his meal and find satisfaction and interest in eating once again. On the other hand Subhaan also showed interest in play with sounds as he slaps the walls beside him a few times to register the noise/sound it made (L.Dryden, 2007). There was some evidence of ‘Symbolic Play’ (Piaget in Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008) when Subhaan uses the paper cup as a microphone when he puts it over his mouth and then later as a pretend telescope when he places it on on of his eyes and scans the room around him from left to right. Apart from these observation I also noticed another very common attribute in Subhaan of children his age. He likes to get attention and often he made a loud sound or noise to attract an adult’s attention when he feels neglected. For example when he shouts, â€Å"Tadaaaa† or at other occasion he would resort to calling his mother a few times until she listens or approach an adult physically to grab their attention by touch; such as Subhaan approaching his aunt to convince her to go upstairs by saying, â€Å"I want something from upstairs†.However in a different time and setting , for example at the dining table during the meal, Subhaan showed the ability to distract himself when neglected or upset by engaing in new play activity (Lindon, 1996) I would conclude by saying that Subhaan is showing typical normative motor skills and level of play even if some behaviour towards the adults can be interruptive, it might be a way to seek attention or an attempt to engage in interactive form of play.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Academic Writing - Logical Fallacies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Academic Writing - Logical Fallacies - Essay Example The question that ‘Why don’t you love me?’ is an example of this as Marissa is assuming, by the nature of her question, that her father does not love her, asking him why he does not. As Archie (2009) notes, the assumption of the complex question can only be known from the context. Not all cases where something not generally granted is assumed are fallacious because not all such passages involve arguments. Clearly, there is no good way to respond directly to the question being posed, only to identify the presupposition or assumption of the question. A corrected version of this question might be: â€Å"If you love me, why won’t you let me use the car.† This corrected version of the question focuses back on the issue of the car, and away from whether or not her father loves her. This is an example of a straw man, which as Kahane (2005) writes, involves a misrepresentation of an opponent’s position, or a competitor’s product, or goes after a weaker opponent or competitor while ignoring a stronger one. The argument Marissa is using is an Her Dad looked at her lovingly, â€Å"No, Marissa, I don’t think you’re a child. I just don’t think it’s safe for you to take the car to a party.† She snapped, â€Å"Because it’s not safe? Well, you better take away our kitchen knives, because they aren’t safe!† example of a straw man because it misrepresents her opponent’s, her father’s position on the issue. Because the two people know each other well, Marissa can anticipate her father’s objection, which she mischaracterizes to serve her own purposes. Like an advertiser misrepresenting the competition’s products and services (Kahane), Marissa has constructed a false reality in which her opponent makes a bad argument. To correct her mistake, Marissa ought to incorporate the possibility that her father does not think she is a child by starting her sentence with an â€Å"if†, like in the following: â€Å"If you don’t think I am a child, let me take

Advancing Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advancing Practice - Essay Example In a study it has been revealed that the percent of smoking among adults has considerably decreases in the late seventies and eighties but was leveled in the nineties. Though in late nineties the percentage of smokers had dropped a bit it was estimated that the situation wouldn’t improve further. If the effects of smoking can be quantified, then we will be talking of one of the most expensive pastimes in our time. It is approximated that in United Kingdom alone, the government spends close to a million Euros in intervention measures aimed at smoking cessation. This cost does not reflect the amount spent by other interest groups such as Non governmental organizations, research firms and private charity organizations. Speaking qualitatively, smoking causes more deaths all over the world than HIV/Aids. Of all smokers, a considerable percentage is drawn from adolescents but past smoking cessation programs have not targeted this age group but concentrated in other groups such as adults. This has contributed to a significant drop in the number of adult population smokers but of significance to this essay is the fact that, the prevalence of smoking amongst the adolescents has remained high or plummeted altogether. Substances which adolescents often abuse are referred to as psychoactive substances meaning that when taken, they have the capability to change an individual’s consciousness, mood or thinking process. They suppress a part of the brain whose usual function is normally to regulate the functions of the mood, thoughts and motivations. Cigarette smoking is one of the leading causes of deaths in the world. But sadly enough, those are deaths which are very preventable if smoking cessation is fully appreciated by the governments and other stake holders like education sector, religious organizations and charities. Studies indicate that in the United States of America alone, cigarette smoking cause up to around

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Smoking Cessation Esay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Smoking Cessation Esay - Essay Example In a population of 45 million adults in U.S. 21% are cigarette smokers (Gerhardt and Stuart, 2009). Major component of cigarette; nicotine is extremely addictive and it increases the level of dopamine in brain creating feelings of satisfaction and contentment. Cessation of smoking causes withdrawal symptoms. Smoking cessation ensures a better health quality of life by reducing the risks of coronary artery disease, stroke and COPD. According to Pignone and Salazar (2009), smoking cessation can increase life expectancy of up to 3 years in women smokers and 2 years in men. In other researches, the life expectancy of a non-smoker is 13-14 years higher than a smoker (Chandler and Rennard, 2010). Studies have confirmed that smoking cessation has inflicts immediate health benefits to the individual. Several interventions are successful in smoking cessation which includes counseling, pharmacotherapy or a combination of both. In this respect, the most important factor is client’s self chosen health goal to quit smoking and both pharmacotherapy and counseling prove to be useful for such patients, however, in patients with unwilling behavior to quit pharmacotherapy is ineffective. Medical counseling approach should emphasize on health and economic benefits of cessation, motivational interviews, patient education on disease risk factors, community/family support and relapse prevention. Pharmacological therapies consist of nicotine replacement therapy which includes nicotine patch, gums, lozenges, nasal sprays, inhalers etc. (Pignone and Salazar, 2009). All of these have shown to be equally effective in smoking cessation. In addition, anti-depressant therapy with drugs such as Bupropion, varenicline and Clonidine have been proven as effective smoking cessation agents. Several studies have suggested that a combination of these pharmacological therapies is quite effective i.e. nicotine gum with nicotine patch etc. (Chandler and Rennard, 2010). Non-pharmacological inter ventions include practices such as hypnosis, acupuncture, herbal supplement, support groups etc. Several studies have been conducted over the past few decades to relate smoking cessation and health promotion in individuals. Two of these are discussed below. Ellerbeck et al., (2009), studied the varying levels of disease management in randomized trials. The research divided the clients into three treatment groups i.e. pharmacotherapy alone (nicotine replacement and anti-depressant therapy i.e. bupropion), combined pharmacotherapy with moderate intensity disease management and high intensity disease management comprising of counseling and provider feedback on smokers with or without the desire to quit. For pharmacotherapy with moderate intensity disease management, 2 counseling calls were made in every 6 months whereas in high intensity disease management 6 counseling calls were made in 6 months. Results demonstrated that self reported abstinence rates were much better in moderate and high intensity disease management than in pharmacotherapy alone. 23.5% and 27.9% abstinence rates were reported respectively for these groups. This group (37-60% patients) reported to have discussed smoking cessation and its potential benefits with their physicians. Also, free

Monday, August 26, 2019

Worldview Beliefs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Worldview Beliefs - Essay Example This essay demonstrates and shows that what a person looks like at the present does not matter because as we age, our looks also change so that although we may have once been physically beautiful, with time, this beauty is eroded by age and what is left behind is a shadow of what we once were. However, I believe that inner beauty lasts forever because our character and our actions tend not to change as fast as our physical beauty does. An example of this is the way people care for others and one of these is my best friend who has influenced my worldview on this matter. She is a kind, loving, and helpful person and she has the ability to make others feel better, which makes her a treasured friend to have. In conclusion, I believe that the world would be a better place if only all of us could treat each other with respect and tolerance. We should seek to understand and appreciate that people have diverse opinions due to their backgrounds and experiences in life before passing any judgm ent, as this would stop many of the prejudices which some of us have against others. In addition, I am of the opinion that for people to experience greater success in life they have to develop the virtue of perseverance considering that every undertaking has its challenges. In addition, inner beauty, as opposed to the physical outer beauty, is very important since it outlasts the later. Moreover, inner beauty concerns inherent good characters other than the outward impression, which is often deceiving.... Doing so has also helped me to develop very close friendships with people who I would otherwise have not have had any time for and this has ensured that I have developed friendships which have filled my life. It has enabled me to develop the necessary social skills to interact confidently with people from different backgrounds on an equal basis without any feeling of superiority on my part. Many people consider the ability not to give up or perseverance a virtue and in fact, the majority of the world religions encourage it in their followers. Perseverance, from ancient times, has been one of the keys to success and it is very difficult to achieve any level of success without it. I believe that it involves the ability to be committed to a task that one has set for him or herself, to be able to work hard towards it, and to have the patience and endurance to make sure that this task is fulfilled satisfactorily. Never giving up also involves the ability to be able to bear the difficultie s that one is facing calmly and without any complaint because these tend to explain why many fail to succeed in whatever they are doing. A good example of perseverance is the one that the Wright Brothers had when they were attempting to make a flying machine. Many people had no faith that they would be able to make it and in fact, some even tried to discourage their attempts. Despite all this, the Wright brothers became even more determined to achieve their goal, it is this ability of never giving up that made them create the first airplane, and that is why we are able to travel by air today. There are many definitions of beauty but one of the most of these definitions tends to be based on the physical

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pediatric Tracheal Tubes Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pediatric Tracheal Tubes - Research Proposal Example 734; Cox 669; Ho 169; Fine & Borland 38). Problems arose in endotracheal intubation particularly for patients that require long-term ventilatory support. Subglottic stenosis was a rare occurrence before the 1960s when tracheostomy was the generally accepted procedure for long-term ventilatory support. However, when prolonged endotracheal tubes were widely used especially for critical care as well as for neonatal intensive care patients, subglottic stenosis cases increased associated with chronic morbidity and fatality (Weiss et al. 734; Cox 669). Traditionally, uncuffed endotracheal tubes were accepted as the tube of choice for intubtation in children below the age of 8 years in all types or duration recommended. This practice, although widely promoted, is being questioned with the advent of new researches on the equal or better performance of cuffed endotracheal tubes in the specified age group. More studies are warranted to once and for all clear this outdated knowledge to further the science in pediatric anesthesia (Ho et al 169; Fine & Borland 38; Weiss et al. 80). Another important area for study, apart from the design and material of cuffed pediatric endotracheal tubes, are the proper tube size and position and depth markings for the said age group. Not only can the success of usage of cuffed tubes be assessed by answering issues around these properties but also the appropriateness of having health care practitioners other than the physician perform endotracheal intubation (Cox 669; Ho 169; Fine & Borland 38). The objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate the difference between a cuffed and an uncuffed endotracheal tube; (2) to determine the success rate of placement; (3) to evaluate the adverse effects of ETT application to patients below eight years old in the non-emergent, elective surgical, operating room setting; and (4) to assess proper tube size selection and placement by an experienced practitioner (nurse anesthetist with greater than one year experience) and relatively inexperienced practitioner (student nurse anesthetist). The above-mentioned objectives will be used to test the following hypotheses: (1) A cuffed endotracheal tube can have equal or better success rates through proper placement by either nurse practitioner; (2) The supposed adverse effects of cuffed ETT such as subglottic edema can be minimized by proper tube size and placement; (3) The experienced practitioner is capable of proper placement of both types of ETT; and (4) the inexperienced practitioner can have higher success rates and reduced laryngoscopy repetition with the cuffed endotracheal tube. Background Applications of endotracheal tubes include the protection of the airway, maintenance of airway integrity, ventilation through positive pressure, induction of positive and expiration pressure, pulmonary outlet and promotion of sufficient oxygenation. Most surgical procedures require short-term or temporary endotracheal tube usage while critical care interventions generally utilize long-term endotracheal tubes (Weiss et al. 734; Cox 669). Endotracheal intubation for anesthesia in adults was developed as early as the 1920s but appropriate apparatus and technique for children were not yet designed during those years. Even until the 1940s, endotracheal intu

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Expansion of Human Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Expansion of Human - Essay Example Applying this assumption on the case study, it can be well noted that policy making in the case presented by Thomas Foerster has been a good yet effective adherence example of rational model. The policies including the provision of labor to the people without going door to door shows the county to be a stable society where change can be brought easily because people have great interest in the public policies. Thus, it can be said that the case study does not go against the rational model and justices it as a realistic model to be following in case of formation of public policy (Lewis, 2007). Political Model of Decision Making: It is without doubt, evident that the political representatives are able to introduce and implement a public policy because this is more of a challenge for them to show people that they can perform very well on a public platform. Also, this is directly linked to development of society as well economics. It should be noted that the adherence of the case study to the politics model of policy making is limited and does not evoke a clear defense. Thomas Foerster has acclaimed a number of claims regarding policy making but he does not stands out as a political representative who was able to undergo policy making process without any complications. Thus, it can be associated that the author is against the political model to serve when it comes to decision making for formation of policy making (Lewis, 2007). Process Policy Making: Process policy model undergo a number of steps for policymaking which includes identification of the problem and then demanding the government to take action. Furthermore, formulation of a policy needs proposals and few deals that policy representatives can make. Also to note is the fact that the implementation of a policy is as important as its demand creation in front of the government. Noting these points in the case study, it can be said that the author gives enhancement to undergo a policy in a similar manner. The claims against the model are only visible when the implementation of the chosen policy is not possible since there was incomplete or negligible support from the government as posed in the case of Thomas Foerster. Thus, both defensive yet claims in against the model are present in the case study as stated above. Cobb and Elder Model of Public Policy: It should be noted that the case study under review follows and includes the main aspect of policy making which was raised as a concern by Cobb and Elder. It should be noted that according to Cobb and Elder, there are many issues in a society that can be solved by creating public interest and personal interest as an element to bring change or policy to provide intervention (Stewart, Hedge, & Lester, 2007). This is also the second most imperatives step in the model. Assessing the case study, it becomes fairly evident that firstly, the policy representatives need to identify the issue and then further expand it. This can only be done by co nsidering the issue as personal issues. This is evident in the case study through the context of Thomas Foerster as he was thinking the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Microeconomics Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Microeconomics Questions - Essay Example Therefore, a product with high total revenue is less elastic than the products with less or low total revenue. Bottled water is elastic since there exists alternative or substitute to bottled water like un-bottled water which might be cheaper. Toothpaste is also very elastic since there exists very many brands of toothpaste and some people may go without using toothpaste so they consider it not so necessary. The cookie dough ice cream has inelastic demand for changes in price leads to a small change in quantity demanded. This is because the product is not a necessity. Fresh green beans have an elastic demand for it is a perishable good, a small change in price will lead to a larger change in quantity demanded. Also, given a short time period allowed for the customers to adjust to the prices, the elasticity of the fresh green beans less elastic. For gasoline, being that there exist several substitutes for the product, there is a greater elasticity of the product. That is, a small chan ge in the price can lead to a larger change in the quantity demanded. Externalities: a positive externality is the effect of a project on the people not involved in the project but in a way that is productive or in a beneficial way to those people. For example, a project to tarmac a road leading to a sugar cane plantation benefits even those who are not concerned directly with the plantation when they enjoy the goodness that comes with a tarmac road even to access market with their own goods. On the other hand, a negative externality is the negative effect of a project or a cost to those who are not directly involved in the project. For instance, a paper milling factory emits poisonous gasses and heavy compounds to the environment posing the society around to health risks. The government therefore needs to encourage and promote positive externalities by providing subsidies and reducing taxes for the materials that are used in such projects. For negative externalities, the government needs to price higher the license for starting up such projects, can impose heavy taxes, tough regulations and charges or even issue a barn order to initiating such kind of projects. For instance, for the above examples, the government needs to subsidize the road construction or remove taxes on the materials used to build the road and in the case of the paper milling company; the government should impose tough regulations such as the factory should put up a hospital to treat the affected people freely and also to carry out frequent checks on the people to find out any developing diseases from them. Others can be to force the factory to reduce their waste into less harmful gases by installing pollution control devices which might be very expensive to install or impose heavy taxes on the factory if it is necessary to exist. Short and long run: being that the customers are so many in the restaurant on a daily routine and they eat without tables brings some sense that the issue on the table is not a very urgent need that should be dealt with as a short run problem. Therefore, the restaurant can just continue making profits with the already available fixed inputs and equipment and plan to provide tables much later after the business has made enough profits. In the short run therefore, the restaurant can major on how to increase labor that is used to prepare

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Majority-Minority Question in the Writings of Gandhi and Jinnah Essay Example for Free

Majority-Minority Question in the Writings of Gandhi and Jinnah Essay Two major political leaders stand out in early twentieth century history of India. These two men are Mahatma Gandhi and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. In the lead up to the demand of Indian political leaders for independence from British colonial rule, a major political party was formed, and named ‘The Indian Congress Party’. All areas of British colonial India was represented in the Congress party. British colonial India was made up of people of many religions; the two major ones being Hinduism and Islam. Hindus were in the majority, while Muslims were in the minority, though a sizable minority. Both Gandhi and Jinnah were members of Congress Party. The initial push for independence from British colonialism was supported by people of all religions and from all regions. Of the main actors in the Indian independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi advocated a single united India composed of people of all religions in a secular constitutional democracy. Mohammad Ali Jinnah on the other hand, wanted an India made up of two states of equal parity, Pakistan and Hindustan. Hindustan would be ruled by the majority Hindus while Pakistan would be ruled by the minority Muslims, not as a democracy, but as an Islamic state. His difference of opinion with other Congress Party leaders like Gandhi, led Jinnah to leave Congress Party and to join ‘The Muslim League’. The inability of the two different and extreme positions to reach a consensus, eventually led to the division of British colonial India into two different countries at independence in 1947: India and Pakistan. Gandhi’s Position on Indian Independence Mahatma Gandhi was first and foremost a Hindu. When Gandhi entered Indian politics by joining the Indian Congress Party, he had three major objectives in view. The first was to unite all the people from diverse regions and religions into one united, indivisible India. The second was to awaken in all Indians a sense of nationalism and moral rearmament. The third was to use non-violent civil disobedience to force the British colonialists to grant India both political and economic independence. His speeches and writings were tailored towards these three objectives. Prior to Gandhi’s entry into Indian politics, there had been agitations for political autonomy by Indians. Many of these agitations had turned violent. The British on their part forcefully put down these violent protests, with consequent heavy loss of life of protesting Indians. Gandhi institutionalized non-violent protests as an effective method of forcing British colonialists to grant, first economic concessions and later political self determination to Indians. One of Gandhi’s most quoted famous speeches is one address to all Britons and given in 1942. Leave India to God. If that is too much, then leave her to anarchy. (Gandhi, May 1942) ‘†During the struggle for freedom, Gandhi had written this speech as an appeal To Every Briton to free their possessions in Asia and Africa, especially India†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Philips and Wainwright, 567). In order for both Gandhi’s Indian Congress Party and the Muslim League to present a common front to the British for a unified Indian independence, Gandhi had meeting with Jinnah on many occasions. However, because of their diametrically opposed positions on the majority/minority issue, their talks yielded no positive results. While Gandhi and his Congress party wanted a unified India with a secular constitutional democracy, Jinnah and his Muslim League wanted a two state structure with the Muslim minority being granted political parity with the Hindu majority. Thus the stage was set for division of India into two separate political entities, one secular and the other religious. Jinnah’s Position on Hindu/Muslim Parity The stance of the Muslim minority of British colonial India was articulated by Jinnah in his speeches and talks with British colonial administrators and Gandhi. ‘In 1940 Jinnah said So far as I have understood Islam, it does not advocate a democracy which would allow the majority of non-Muslims to decide the fate of the Muslims’ (Quaid-e-Azam, Vol II) ‘†Also in 1940 Jinnah spoke of how the Muslims constituted not a mere minority, but a nation and must have their own homeland. (Gwyer and Appadorai, 1957) Hence from his speeches and writings, Ali Jinnah left no room for meaningful compromise with those like Gandhi, who wanted a unified independent India, with a secular democratic constitution. Jinnah and the Muslim minority in India feared that the Hindu majority would dominate them and subjugate them in reprisal for the way the Muslim rulers of pre-colonial India had subjugated the Hindu populace which they ruled. In the words of Burke, ‘†At best, Jinnah and his colleagues were apprehensive of the intentions of the Hindu-dominated Congress towards the Muslims, and its ability and willingness to provide for and facilitate the progress and well-being of the minorities. In short, they were seeking to â€Å"escape the yoke of the more numerous Hindus. †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Burke, 1973) NOTES 1. Philips and Wainwright, eds. The Partition of India: Policies and Perspectives 1935-1947. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1970. 2. Speech delivered at Aligarh, March 6 1940, Speeches, Statements and Messages of the Quaid-e-Azam, Vol II, Khurshid Yusufi, Bazm-i-Iqbal, Lahore 3. Speech at Lahore Session of the All India Muslim League, March 22, 1940,Speeches and Documents on the Indian Constitution 1921-47,Vol II, Gwyer and Appadorai, 1957 4. Burke, S. M. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: An Historical Analysis (London: Oxford University Press, 1973) p. 65. Bibliography 1. Burke, S. M. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: An Historical Analysis (London: Oxford University Press, 1973) p.65. 2. Philips and Wainwright, eds. The Partition of India: Policies and Perspectives 1935-1947. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1970. 3. Speech delivered at Aligarh, March 6 1940, Speeches, Statements and Messages of the Quaid-e-Azam, Vol II, Khurshid Yusufi, Bazm-i-Iqbal, Lahore 4. Speech at Lahore Session of the All India Muslim League, March 22, 1940,Speeches and Documents on the Indian Constitution 1921-47,Vol II, Gwyer and Appadorai, 1957 Internet Sources 5. Gandhi, May 1942, quoted in â€Å"The Partition of India† http://www. english. emory. edu/Bahri/Part. html

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

French Education System Essay Example for Free

French Education System Essay In France, education has a clear goal: the system must always produce a group of well-educated individuals with a common culture, language and abilities that can then serve the State. The French educational system has a very large emphasis on content, culturally specific knowledge, scientific and mathematic knowledge. The system is designed to serve the needs of the state; the individuality and originality are not considered worth while values The French Republic has 60 million inhabitants, living in the 22 regions of metropolitan France and four overseas departments (1. million). Despite the fact that the population is growing slightly (up 0. 4% a year), the number and proportion of young people under 25 are, however, falling: there are now fewer than 19 million of them in metropolitan France, i. e. 32% of the total population, compared with 40% around 1970 and 35% at the time of the 1990 census. France is seeing a slow aging of the population — less marked however than in other neighbouring countries (Germany and Italy), especially as the annual number of births is currently increasing slightly. 5 million pupils and students, i. e. a quarter of the population, are in the education system. Just over 2 million are in higher education. In 1999, Frances GDP was close to FF 9,000 billion (EUR 1,330 billion), i. e. FF 150,000 (EUR 22,000) per inhabitant. Of this total, just over FF 600 billion (EUR 95 billion) were devoted to initial or continuing education: 7. 2% of GDP. As far as school education spending is concerned, France is in a middle position, behind the Nordic countries (Sweden and Denmark), but fairly significantly ahead of Italy and Japan. France has a workforce today of 26 million, of whom fewer than 2 million are unemployed: the unemployment rate recently fell to below 9%. 6% of the labor force (about 1. 5 million jobs, including 1 million civil servants and local government officers) are undergoing training. Educational Structure Around 13 million pupils attend school in France. The system is a unified one, whose present general structure (primary schools, colleges, lycees) was gradually put in place during the 1960s and 1970s, ending the formerly more compartmentalized system which was based on a clear separation between rimary and secondary education. Since the 1970s, France has also had an outstanding record with respect to the development of pre-school education; all 3- to 5-year-olds can go to nursery classes. Since 1967, school attendance has been compulsory for those from 6 to 16 years of age. France has 60,000 primary schools catering to pupils during their first five years of formal education: the first three years (CP cours preparatoire cours elementaire 1 and 2) provide a grounding in the basic skills. The next stage CM1/CM2 (cours moyen 1 and 2) takes the children up to the end of primary school. Secondary schooling is divided into two successive stages, known as cycles. From 11 to 15 years, almost all children now attend a college, taking them from form 6 (sixieme) to form 3 (troisieme) (1). Since 1975 there has been a single mixed-ability college for all pupils regardless of their level of achievement. After form 3, they move onto a general, technical or vocational lycee. These prepare pupils for the corresponding baccalaureatexaminations (referred to as le bac), which they normally take at the age of 18.

Business Issues: Samsung In China

Business Issues: Samsung In China To identify and understand the international business issues recently faced by Samsung in China and how do they react as well as to remain competitive against its competitors over the years through the use of international marketing strategies based on different factors which would influence the movement throughout the globe. Design/methodology/approach: The approach is used to study and illustrate the real world situation where organizations being in the electronics industry face high intensity and problems as it impacts the market as a whole. Findings: The main findings are based on the various tools to identify and evaluate the different strategies, factors, and conditions for going abroad in order to capture a larger market scale and segmentations. Practical implications: The tools used have different characteristics that explain into different forms which can be used to study the strategic movement and what gives Samsung a competitive advantage. Originality/value: The paper is specifically focused on the evaluation of business strategies based on the different tools for long-term growth and sustainability. Keywords: Globalisation, competitive advantage, innovation. Paper type: Research paper. 2.0 SUMMARY Samsung Electronics Company is a company operating in the electronics industry for consumers goods, one of which is mobile devices. Furthermore, they have made successful comebacks in terms of their mobile devices where it accounted a high percentage of users that uses Samsung brand that comes with many different models. In the past, Samsung may not be the best-selling brands for mobile devices unlike the Nokia, and Sony Ericsson because they were not as competitive in terms of quality, product innovation, and features that able to meet the needs of consumers. Apart from that, China has been a large market for electronics and Samsung is able to capture a wide market scale in China by investing into research and developments to enhance in electronic products such as LCDs and other home appliances, moving away from being just a mere manufacturers for OEM or in other words, producing products out from component parts bought from other companies. On top of that, information technology changes rapidly and they would need to follow the pace based on consumers preferences to achieve long-term goals and sustainability. However, there are international business issues which recently faced by Samsung in China due to the allegations that child labour were used and Samsung have been accused for exploiting younger workers. Therefore, this would affect its reputable image and brand yet along being sued recently by Apple for infringement of its patent. 3.0 INTRODUCTION Samsung Electronics Company has one of the best-selling phones in the world amongst other electronic hardware where it has made its way globally throughout various markets by having an established supply chain and manufacturing plants in China and many other countries. Furthermore, Samsung has made its effort by marketing its product with the initiatives to capture a larger market share. However, countries that have different political regulations and stability, cultures, factors and conditions, and so forth would affect the strategic movement for Samsung, for instance in China which were accused for using child labour and violating human rights. Based on the issues as per above mentioned, China market can be analysed through the use of these management tools that comprises of the Michael Porters PESTEL Analysis and Porters Diamond to determine the external environment, the Five Forces for the industry, Competitor Analysis, Marketing Analysis, as well as Internal Analysis through the use of SWOT and Hofstedes Dimensions. These tools were essential to understand the environment from all aspects in another market as well to identify its competitive edge against its competitors and other markets globally. On top of that, Samsung has applied its innovation into its technology and the human capital would be a major aspect in terms of potential capabilities to perform (Anwar, 2007). This is to enhance its brand recognition in terms of product development and innovation for sustainability. 4.0 COMPANY BACKGROUND Today, Samsung Electronics Company manufactures electronic products which include mobile devices whereby Samsung was first founded by Lee Byung-chul back in year 1938 in Taegu, Korea. Samsung was first started out as trading company which exports groceries products to China and has become a multinational corporation today. In 1958, Samsung expanded into industries such as ship building, chemicals and so on throughout the 1970s before moving on through the decades to year 1969 whereby Samsung Electronics was formed to create business opportunities by acquiring business establishments such as the insurance company, hospital, department stores as well by producing electronics which includes mobile devices which what Samsung is famous for (Murat, n.d.). Next, the successes Samsung had from its technological aspects in the DRAM industry for computing experience throughout Samsung Electronics has made a higher growth and sales in terms of product development and by marketing them out in massive quantities to other countries which made way for expanding abroad. On top of that, Samsung has an excellent method of quality and product development which controls and innovate new products whereby Samsung also hires the finest workers that holds a PhD and thats no surprise because Samsungs company assets is accounted about $300 billion (Lero, 2008). Up to today, Samsung retains the status of worlds best technology that provides constant improvement to contribute to the society as qualified workers would also play a major role for excellence in their respective fields (Murat, n.d.). However, there are problems which Asian economic crisis and how do they survive as well as the recent lawsuits for the infringement of intellectual property and the allegations of child labour used whereby the current chief executive officer (CEO) of Samsung, Shin Jong-kyun embattled with its competitors. 5.0 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS 5.1 Michael Porters PESTEL analysis 5.1.1 Political In political factor, Samsung have to take cognizance of policies regulated in different countries. For instance, some governments may protect their local brands in the electronics industry and therefore impose a higher tariff or restricted quota for importing abroad. This is because some competitors may have government contracts and Samsung has to distinguish its products to compete with competitors. However in China, the China Labor Watch is taking initiatives towards the allegations of child labour below 16 years of age and exploiting younger workers seriously whereby it would affect Samsungs image and branding as well of its suppliers which were accused as well (Arthur, 2012). 5.1.2 Economic Next in economic, Samsung have suffered from the Asian economic crisis back in year 1997 which resulted in a negative net profit even though Samsung made $16 billion out from sales and the dismissal of 29,000 employees (Quelch Harrington, 2008). Therefore, consumers spending was affected as well due to a lower disposable income which resulted from a high unemployment rate in some countries. On top of that, the economy recession in countries such as in the U.K. has made an impact on Samsung being in the electronic industry as U.K. is one of the modest countries that follow the up-trend technology. Apart from that, the market in China is huge whereby the Asian economic crisis have made a high impact towards Samsung. 5.1.3 Society In society, more people which includes the younger generation even demand for a smartphone thereby increasing the sales. Thus, people in developing countries would have a higher demand and Samsung would have to segment certain groups of consumers based on the applications available through the product. Therefore, Samsung have to take this advantage to continuously innovate and develop its product to remain in the competitive market. However, there are allegations in China that younger generation were also being exploited to work more 100 hours overtime in a month and that would violate human rights and it could result in consumers boycotting on Samsung products (Arthur, 2012). 5.1.4 Technological This is one of the most important factors in the electronics industry as it demands for new features and specifications that meet consumers needs. For instance, Japan being one of the most advanced country would seek technological improvements for convenience and thus able to make their lifestyle into perfection. Besides that, wireless networks and data transfers improvement are one of the most basic needs for consumers which Samsung could take advantage in countries that has a high bandwidth wireless connection. 5.1.5 Environment Next in environment, Samsung would need to foresee its weather in certain countries because it may affect its manufacturing plants. Furthermore, Samsung would need to take the society and natural environment into consideration due to the pollution and the emission of fumes from factories. In China, the weather and pollution index is bad which would result in society protesting towards more manufacturing plant in China that would be detrimental to their health. 5.1.6 Legal In legal, more and more companies are seeking to protect their intellectual property rights such as Apple Inc. that recently sued Samsung for infringing its design and other features. On top of that, human rights have to be protected whereby a woman in China has brain cancer due to the fact that she was exposed to toxic chemicals for half a decade in her employment. Therefore, it could tarnish Samsungs image for profit rather than peoples concern as allegations has been made towards Samsung in China for exploiting workers (Globalization Monitor, 2012). 5.2 Michael Porters Diamond 5.2.1 Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry Taking China as an example for expanding abroad, Samsung is able to capture a large market in China as China is well populated thus its cost-efficient due to shipping costs and close proximity. In the other hand, Samsung joint ventures with Corning in regards to the new Chinese LCD facility so that Samsung can understand the Chinese cultures and compete with its competitors (Matt, 2012). 5.2.2 Demand Conditions In the demand conditions, consumers disposable income has to be monitored and the Chinese may have a higher disposable income due to the growing economy in China. On top of that, Samsung have to forecast consumers preferences based on their cultures to fit into the products, for instance home appliances that fits into their homes which are used to be much smaller in size unlike in the western homes. 5.2.3 Factor Conditions Samsung have accounted a huge percentage of consumers based in China and it gives an advantage in terms of logistics and human capital. For instance, South Korea ports would give cost efficient for shipping products and have the policies to trade with China. In the other hand, Samsung is able to safe cost through cheap labour and the hiring of knowledgeable candidates from universities from a larger market in China (Dilipnaidu, n.d.). 5.2.4 Related and Supporting Industry The supporting industry such as Tesco has given share partnership to Samsung as they are mutually beneficial in the retailing industry. On top of that, Samsung has lots of OEMs in Asia and infrastructure support in China which is at an advantage in terms of resources and logistically in specific geographical locations. 6.0 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 6.1 Michael Porters Five Forces 6.1.1 Buyers The bargaining powers of buyers are high due to the fact that consumers can easily change to other competitors products. Therefore, Samsung strive to keep cost low at bay as much as possible and by doing so, they are able to capture a larger market share as China is well populated. However, switching cost can be high because some consumers may want to change to a newer phone whereby the old ones are still under contract. Thus, people in China would tend to always have the latest gadget due to high disposable income which would also result them a high switching cost unlike the home appliances where people have a longer time frame of using them but there are many other competitors producing them as well. 6.1.2 Suppliers The suppliers have a low bargaining power in the sense that Samsung itself is the suppliers for component parts such as DRAM computer chips and so forth. Therefore, they have a cost advantage and able to retain its originality. However in the electronics industry as a whole, the bargaining powers of suppliers are high due to other parts required to produce its other electronic hardware (Huvard et al, 2011, p.8). 6.1.3 Threat of Substitutes The threat of substitutes is high as there are many other smartphones available that could perform the same features and applications. For instance, Apple and Nokia smartphones could perform as similar to Samsungs and they are competing in terms of quality and innovation, thereby they would look like the same. However for older generation users, the threat of substitutes would be much higher because most of them are not IT literate and would spend less to get cheaper phones which would be a threat to Samsung as well. In the other hands, substitute products for home appliances amongst others are high as well. Not to mention about China phones whereby China used to imitate products into a different brand thus resulting to a higher threat of substitutes. 6.1.4 Intensity of Rivalry The intensity of rivalry is high because there are many other competitors in the market such as Apple Inc. in the smartphones industry as well as Sony in the home appliances products (Huvard et al, 2011, p.9). On top of that, the market structure of Samsung is monopolistic competition whereby they do not compete in price with the competitors, but compete in terms of innovation, product development, and which performs better with one another because consumers tend to get the one that performs best for them. Thus, the rivalry is strong in China because its a large market whereby all competitors have expanded there. 6.1.5 Threats of New Entrants The threats of new entrants are very low because a very high initial investment is required for research and development to compete with the existing competitors. Today, Samsung have made a great achievement in product development and its very difficult for new entrants to keep up with the pace as well of issues for protected intellectual property. Furthermore, consumers loyalty would form a stronger barrier of entry and thus difficult for new entrants to compete (Chan et al, 2011, p. 12). 7.0 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS In order to compete in a large market such as in China, Samsung have to analyse its competitors in order to understand their objectives, strategies, assumptions, as well as the resources and capabilities to perform in China and other countries (NetMBA, 2012). Thereby, competitors in the mobile industry one of which is Apple Inc. and Sony for other electronic appliances has created a high intensity for Samsung to keep pace with the moving technologies before they are left behind. 7.1 Competitors Strategy Thus, its important to understand their strategies and to keep track with latest updates. For instance, competitors tend to advertise to promote its products and Samsung has to understand its strategies out from it. However, Samsung has made good strategy in terms of advertisement whereby they use Korean pop singers and dancers in music videos to advertise its products. Furthermore, China is keen to Korean stars and therefore would be influenced to Samsung smartphones which would be a competitive advantage as well. 7.2 Competitors Objectives All competitors have different objectives in which to capture a larger market share particularly in China. For instance, Apple Inc. has an objective to develop the best computers and software to meet the needs of consumers even in future as well to align with the rapid change of technology (Apple, 2012). Therefore, Samsung have to take initiative to plan and develop its product for distinguishing itself than its competitors. 7.3 Competitors Assumptions Its important to assume certain movement on competitors to keep pace with the market. For instance, Apple Inc. have recently marketed its new iPhone 5 that comes in with better specifications for four cores processors due to the fact that the previous model has only two cores and the rumours for Samsungs smartphones have a slightly wide screen. Therefore, Samsung would be able to foresee the coming strategies for Apple Inc. in terms of product development in which Samsung could develop a much better smartphone. However for Sony in terms of other electronic appliances, Samsung have to determine the household needs for consumers to market its products. 7.4 Competitors Resources and Capabilities In terms of competitors resources and capabilities, Sony for instance may have resources by venturing into China market and the capabilities to produce highly technological products for developments because Sony is originated from Japan which is known as an advanced technology country. Therefore, Samsung has to compete in terms of its capabilities and to understand the extent they would pursue. 8.0 MARKETING ANALYSIS 8.1 Market Segmentation 8.1.1 Geographic Segmentation Samsung have segmented its market geographically in China particularly in urban areas due to the population density and the need for consumers to use smartphones for their daily routine. Therefore, there would be high demand for smartphones and other electronic products which would result of Samsung exploiting workers to work more than 100 hours per month over time to meet the higher demand of consumers (Arthur, 2012). However, Samsung do not really segment markets in rural areas due to the fact that most people are not IT literate and therefore do not need smartphones, except for home appliances that may be useful. 8.1.2 Demographic Segmentation In demographics, Samsung targeted young generations in particular and working adults for smartphones as well as housewives for home appliances. This is because the younger generations regardless of its gender, and occupation, there are likely to get themselves a smartphone for some reasons. Furthermore, Samsung also segment its market based on an average or high income level because its products are priced at a certain level whereby some groups may only able to afford them. 8.1.3 Psychographic Segmentation Based on the consumers activities and interest in China, they are active in their daily lifestyle and the smartphone would works best for them that made tasks easier and convenient for them to organize plans. Hence, their lifestyles are turning into one of the advanced country as well as the economy of China is growing which more people are moving forward towards information technology. 8.1.4 Behavioralistic Segmentation This is referring to consumers behaviour in China based on the design, pattern, outlook, as well as the features available from the electronic products of Samsung. Thereby, Samsung would have to take this matter into consideration to gain a larger market share in China and other countries. On top of that, brand loyalty is indeed important as part of its competitive advantage over its competitors if they are able to distinguish its product and to meet consumers needs. However, the allegations made to Samsung regarding the use of child labour and the exploitation of Chinese employees in Samsung would create a bad image amongst the Chinese and would be detrimental in the long run if this matter persists. 8.2 Marketing Mix Gap analysis 8.2.1 Product Samsung has many different products and models based on the different categories such as smartphones, home appliances, televisions and so forth. These products were designed specifically to meet the needs of consumers but however the products target a wide range of market as a whole and may not focus on certain market niches. This is to avoid additional costs in terms of operations but Samsung have to keep pace with the competitors as IT is a trend that grows rapidly. Next, one of the best-selling products in Samsung was the smartphones whereby the recent news has reported that it has sold about 20 million Galaxy S III smartphones over months of marketing it globally (TheStar, 2012). Hence, this may cause the result for allegations made against Samsung by China Watch Labor for using child labour as well of exploiting employees in China for producing products in a higher capacity to meet the high demand for consumers. 8.2.2 Price In price, Samsung tend to lower its cost as well as prices of consumers goods to remain competitive in the market. This is because consumers tend to look for products and features available in smartphones or other electronic appliances but they are likely to be similar to the competitors. Therefore, Samsung have to take advantage in terms of price regardless of the physiological fact that higher price constitute better product unless the quality can proof for a better product. On top of that, Samsung is able to take advantage of its price by collaborating with service providers based on the contracts whereby consumers are able to apply for a phone line while having the product for a cheaper price. 8.2.3 Place Samsung has its manufacturing plants and suppliers within the supply chain all over the world in many different countries in order to go global. By doing so, they have an efficient flow in terms of resources and logistically. In China, Samsung has many suppliers to adapt to the broad geographical locations and to meet the high demand of consumers. On top of that, countries that have a growing economy would in turn beneficial to Samsung for home appliances due to the fact that property prices would increase and there will be a higher demand for home appliances as well. Thus, Samsung is able to capture a higher market share due to the growing economy such as Australia and particularly in China. 8.2.4 Promotion In promotion, the Samsung had invested about billions of dollars into advertisement to promote its brand and products. For instance, Samsung used the Korean pop stars through music videos to promote its product due to the fact that Korean pop music videos are one of the most viewed on Internet due to its popularity regardless viewers being in Asia, Europe, and the Western countries. Thus, this would influence the consumers for the products based on the advertising strategy and on top of that, Samsung also had made great effort into corporate social responsibility to promote a better welfare of the society, apart from the allegations being made against Samsung recently in China. 8.2.5 People The people are referring to the staff and employees Samsung has throughout the globe and particularly in China. In China, Samsung is able to hire the skilled employee, for instance PhD holders from universities and on top of that hire cheap labour into manufacturing plants which able to save costs. Furthermore, there are many suppliers as they established a stable supply chain in the market. 8.2.6 Gap Analysis Based on the marketing mixes as per above mentioned, there are gaps in between its marketing strategy. One amongst others is the product and prices strategy whereby Samsung does not focus on low to no income level whereby young students were not targeted. This is basically important because they are influenced by the up-trend and they are likely to get its product. Thus, Samsung may be able to produce smartphones that may have the similar but less features and functions at a lower price for low to no income level in which their parents may afford one for their children. This is to capture a larger market scale and to establish consumers loyalty as well to strengthen its brand. Next, its promotional strategy whereby advertisements were meant to capture young to working adults market groups but however elderly groups may not be influenced by these promotional strategy. Therefore, Samsung should have mixes of advertisement to show concerns for the older generation as they are part of the market group whereby they start using smartphones regardless of knowing how to use them or otherwise. This is because they are following the up-trend from their children in terms of communication and the features available that make their life convenient. 9.0 INTERNAL ANALYSIS 9.1 SWOT analysis 9.1.1 Strengths In strengths, one of which is the brand whereby Samsung have a strong brand recognition throughout the globe. Hence, almost everyone knows what Samsung is and what do they produce. Furthermore, the brand they had can be reinforced through the use of its quality and product innovation such as smartphones, and electronic appliances. On top of that, by venturing in China, there is a growing market in demand for smartphones in particular as well as other electronic products produced by Samsung. Therefore, Samsung is able to capture a larger market scale. Hence, not to forget about the diplomatic relationship China had with the capital city of Korea, Seoul which could be at an advantage at political regime (Anon., 2009). 9.1.2 Weaknesses There are several weaknesses for Samsung such as the increased cost for investment into research and development which reduce the net profits for Samsung. Thereby, this could result in Samsung in hiring child labour as well to exploit employees in production facility based on the allegations made against Samsung recently. On top of that, Samsung may not be able to protect its product because China have imitated and produced its similar products with a different brand name in China, yet along market them out globally as well although the quality may not be as strong as Samsungs. Furthermore, Samsung basically focuses on the whole market rather than market niches and may not fit its products with certain market groups. 9.1.3 Opportunities There are opportunities in China whereby it accounted a large market for consumers goods and electronic products. Thereby, Samsung is able to gain its competitive advantage by venturing into China due to geographic location and the use of cheap and skilled labour. In geographic location, Korea is located near to China and therefore would give shipping and port advantage which would result in cost efficient which would be profitable due to the fact that China is a huge market and its well populated. In the other hand, the use of cheap and skilled labour enable Samsung to save cost although they are allegations made towards the use of child labour against Samsung. Furthermore, skilled and knowledgeable employees can be hired through universities in China for their convenience. 9.1.4 Threats There are several threats in the industry one of which is the existence of its competitors. Samsungs rival such as Apple Inc. and Sony would be the biggest threat to capture a larger market in China. Therefore, in order to remain competitive, these parties would try to save cost so that they could have a larger investment into research and development to produce better products in terms of quality and innovation. Thus, this resulted in Samsung exploiting workers to meet demands of the market and was accused for using child labour and it will definitely affect Samsungs image and branding which would give an advantage for its competitors. On top of that, Samsung being the late mover in the industry would be a threat as well due to the high intensity in the market inclusive of the Chinese competitors which accounted of a huge percentage of the market. 9.2 Hofstedes Dimensions Hofstedes Dimensions were used to determine the cultural differences between two countries based on the 5 forces such as the power distance, the individualism versus collectivism, the masculinity versus femininity, the uncertainty avoidance, and the time orientation. Hence, the forces as per above mentioned can be determined by using the BRIC Geert Hofstede Scores to study the different cultures before going abroad. Thereby, this report is to study the cultural differences between Korea, and China for competitive edge. 9.2.1 Power Distance In power distance, the Chinese in China have a higher power distance compared to the Koreans BRIC Geert Hofstede Scores and this shows that the Chinese are aware of the higher authorities that make decisions knowingly that the higher positions have more experience and knowledge. Thus, their organizational structures would seem to be bureaucratic and the lower level employees may not make any decisions. Thereby, Samsung being a Korean company have a small gap between the scores in relations to the power distance and they are able to joint ventures with Corning in China. 9.2.2 Individualism versus Collectivism Next on individualism versus collectivism, both scores for China and Korea are relatively low and have the slightest gap between one and another BRIC Geert Hofstede Scores. Therefore, it can be seen that both countries are collectivism whereby they used to make decisions collectively in a group. Thus, Samsung would be able to adapt with the Chinese culture to make decisions in a group without taking risks for making decisions individually. 9.2.3 Masculinity versus Femininity In masculinity versus femininity, the Chinese would be referred as masculinity whereas the Koreans are referred to femininity based on the BRIC Geert Hofstede Scores. This indicated that the Chinese would like to have more recognition in terms of respect as well to dominate its decision-making in the organization for higher income. Therefore, the subordinates are expected to follow their superior orders whereas the Koreas are less emphasized to the importance of its status but are relationship oriented in terms of social norms. 9.2.4 Uncertainty Avoidance BRIC Geert Hofstede Scores, there is a huge difference between the Chinese and Koreans whereby the Chinese can be identified as risk taker whereas for the Koreans, are much likely a risk adverse. The huge gap in between indicated that the Koreans would take due diligence and care in decision-making before taking initiatives. However, if Samsung is venturing into China, there would not be a problem because the decision-maker lies with Samsung and therefore could make its decisions diligently before going into any agreement to joint ventures with Chinese companies whereby China are likely to take risk in this case as long profits could be made regardless of being in a short or a longer-term. 9.2.5 Time Orientation In time orientation, the Chinese would be taking a longer-term for decision-making unlike the Koreans that would take a shorter time based on BRIC Geert Hofstede Scores. Furthermore, this is because of the time needed to make decisions collectively but however Koreans are would take a shorter time even though they make decisions collectively as well. Thus, the Koreans are likely to gain opport

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Humorous Wedding Speech by an Old Friend of the Groom :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Wedding Speech by an Old Friend of the Groom Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen Let me first say that the bridesmaids look absolutely smashing today, and only rightly outshone by our bride, Pamela. And, I'm sure you'll agree with me gentlemen, today is a sad day for single men, as another beauty leaves the available list. And ladies, I'm sure you'll agree that today's passing by without much of a ripple. I've known Robert for the best part of twenty years and of course there are plenty of things I could tell you about what we got up to in our younger days. Unfortunately, I did consult my solicitor and he tells me that we could still face prosecution, so maybe I’ll keep things to a minimum†¦ and talk only about Robert’s positive attributes. And from time to time, Robert does exhibit some outstanding qualities of character which have earned the respect of so many of us gathered here today. He is generous to a fault – especially if it’s his own. He is exceptionally modest – although he has plenty to be modest about (or at least he did until Pamela became his girlfriend). And he is a man who always sticks by his convictions - he will remain in the wrong no matter how much he gets ridiculed for it. But perhaps Robert’s most enduring quality is his artful pillory of those about him. When on form, his wisecracks at the expense of others can be as withering to the subject as they are amusing to everyone else. Take the incident earlier today when he asked the vicar (preacher), ‘Do you charge for taking a church service?’ ‘Not a penny’ he replied. ‘From what I saw this morning, you’ve got it spot on!’ I am convinced Robert’s personality and sense of fun resulted from the games his dad played with him as a kid. He used to throw him in the air – and walk away. Needless to say, another good thing about Robert is that he can take a joke as well as. Mind you, so can Pamela, because she's taken Robert. Having been a first-hand observer of Robert for a long time I’ve seen other desirable virtues begin to emerge in him. He’s become quite entrepreneurial, and as a close friend of his I’ve been drawn into many of his wild schemes as an unwilling ally.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparison of Kate Chopins Story of an Hour and William Faulkners A R

Historically, women have been treated as second class citizens. The Napoleonic Code stated that women were controlled by their husbands and cannot freely do their own will without the authority of their husband. This paper shows how this is evident in the "Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin and " A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. In both stories, the use of literary elements such as foreshadowing, symbolism, and significant meaning of the titles are essential in bringing the reader to an unexpected and ironic conclusion. The background of both authors, which was from the South, we can conclude how they could described the situations that they faced such as political and social presumptions problems especially for women at that time. The story explains how Chopin wrote how women were to be "seen but not heard". "The wife cannot plead in her own name, without the authority of her husband, even though she should be a public trader, or noncommunicant, or separate in property." (Kreis 1) This is one of the Code Napoleon that shows women have no right and position at that time. However after World War II, most of the men were going to war and left the women, who make them finally, could get their freedom to do anything or their own because they have to do it to survive. Chopin's stories seem very modern in different ways even though it was written about two hundred years ago. Chopin says that it "..does not always find that marriage necessarily requires that a wife be dominated by their husband,.."(Oklopcic 19) and she was trying to show that women can get along just fine without having man interfere. The story represents a disdain for the way women are treated in some relationships and in society as well. "Her concern w... ...usual life such as Emily who turned into a murderer, killing her own boyfriend and Louise Mallard dead after living her "real life" for one hour, feels her feeling free from repression during her husband death and finally died of heart disease when she knew that her husband is alive. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. "The Story of an Hour." Heritage of American Literature. Ed. James E. Miller. Vol. 2. Austin: Harcourt Brace Jovanich, 1991. 487. Print. Faulkner, William. â€Å"A Rose For Emily.† An Introduction to Fiction. 10th ed. Eds: X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New Yorkk: Pearson Longman, 2007. 29-34. Kreis, S. (2001). The History Guide. Lectures on Modern European Intellectual History: The Code Napoleon. 15 July, 2010, Oklopcic, Biljana. Faulkner and the Native Keystone: Reading (Beyond) the American South